Sunday 13 May 2012

The Happy Mom Attitude

Hello everyone and happy Mother's Day!

Feeling tired, guilty, overwhelemed? Lately I keep coming across posts about moms' negative feelings. We have all being there. Chances are you have been there at least once today already. Kids' tantrum over breakfast choices makes you late for work. Toys everywhere to pick up. Chances also are that you shared complaints the last time you talked to another mom. Husband not helping enough. Being too tired of making an 8-hour work schedule plus all household chores.

Wait. Why do we always talk about the negative aspects of motherhood? We decided to bring children into our lives. We love them. As the video above reminds us, being a mom is the best job in the world. Yet I do not remember the last time I told my girlfriend that it is all worth it: the sleepless nights, the constant worry, the guilt for not doing enough.

I am obviously not the first person to realize this. There are books and blogs where one can learn a great deal about what to do to be a happy mom (especially this one, which is my favorite). I challenge you to do something different however: to remind yourself that you are a happy mom already. Next time you think: "OMG how can I juggle today's work schedule with the birthday party I need to take my child to and make it home in time to cook dinner?" or "OMG I am so tired I wish everyone would shut up and let me watch Gilmore Girls", PAUSE. Look at the flip side of the coin. What is it that you are happy about right this minute? Yes, it can be that new pair of shoes, if you want. :-)

P.S. Let's share our happy thoughts by adding #happymomattitude to our tweets.

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