Saturday 19 January 2013

New Year, new you?

Hello everyone! Have you made your New Year's resolutions?

I know, it is almost the end of January... but this year I thought about it more, and had a harder time with them, than last year. You may remember that I have a project approach to my resolutions, and probably because of this reason I have a retrospective, rather than prospective, interest in them. I like to go back, and figure out how they have evolved throughout the year, and why I was able or not to go through with them. Because they are projects I wished to accomplish, it does not matter if I was not able to make it. To remind myself of my objectives provides new and fresh interest to pursue them again during another year, or shelf them for a while. My project of renovating our office space and basement, for instance, has radically changed when I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of last summer. I am in the process of converting our office space into the baby's room (more on this in a few weeks...), and our basement into a multifunctional guest room / office space / play room. I have also not yet learnt how to take better pictures, but I have found more and more sources of inspiration and identified the aestethic I like.

What makes it difficult to come up with this year's resolutions is my fast-approaching due date. My immediate future is filled with projects and things to accomplish before the baby arrives and my post-delivery future is...well, as unpredictable as any birth can be!

Pre-baby, I should complain less. In six weeks time, we will be having a much wanted second child, so I should be over the moon, right? But, let's admit it, I don't do pregnancy well. With my first one, it was the six-months-long morning sickness that put me down. With this pregnancy, it has been the extreme fatigue at first, and now the discomfort associated with a substantial weight gain (thank you, new clothes, for lifting up my mood a bit this week).

I should also work more on my research now that I have still the time, and wrap up a number of projects that have been in limbo since last year.

I should spend more time with my son, now that I can still give him my undivided attention.

I should finish the forty-something posts I have been working on.

I should explore the web and identify new favourites.

Post-baby, I wish I'll be able to lose the baby weight by summer time, and fit into my bikinis while at the beach in Italy (which we should hit for at least a week in July if everything goes as planned). My main style resolution for the remainder of the year, however, is to continue editing my closet regularly, as I have been forced to do during this pregnancy.

With all these "should", one more wish: embrace a new path to self improvement in the spirit of Gabrielle's post...

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